Carnforth (Highfield) Allotments

Carnforth (Highfield) Allotments

Carnforth Town Council manage the allotments at Highfield 

Allotment gardening helps to promote a healthy lifestyle, providing an affordable source of fruit and vegetables, plenty of fresh air, healthy exercise and a good way to de-stress from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It can be a social activity as well, bringing together people from all age groups and various social backgrounds around a common interest.

The allotment site has 32 plots. There is a rolling programme of site visits by Council Staff throughout the year.

Carnforth Town Council oversee the management of the allotments through the Property & Environment Committee.

Please direct all allotment enquiries to

Applying for an Allotment

Anyone applying for an allotment plot will be placed on a waiting list managed by the Town Council.

Highfield allotment plots vary quite considerably in size and layout – it is worth visitng the allotments site to view a plot before applying to be placed on the waiting list.

Our site plan can be viewed here: D2R-HFA-04 Site Plan.pdf

There are a number of things to consider when deciding to take on an allotment plot:

  • Geographical location of the allotment
  • Accessibilty of allotment
  • Time commitment
  • Personal circumstances
  • Equipment required
  • Cost
  • Knowledge

The Town Clerk will contact you and discuss personal requirements before he allocates any  plots.  It is extremely important to provide an up to date contact number, the Town Clerk will always try to contact you during office hours.

Upon allocation of a plot, you will be expected to pay a full years rent and a refundable (subject to conditions) deposit equal to the annual rent.

The tenant is required to sign a tenancy agreement, this document is non negotiable.

To apply for an allotment email your contact details to clearly stating which plot you desire.

Allotment Rent

The allotment rent is decided by Carnforth Town Councillors each year in December.  Allotment rent received from tenants is ring-fenced in a separate bank account and used solely for the benefit of the allotments site. The current rent has been calculated at 0.25p per m2.

Rules & Regulations

A copy of the current rules and regulations, Health & Safety guidelines and Tenancy Agreement is available in our Plot Holders Pack here: