Minutes of meeting held on 19th July 2023 at 6:30pm at Carnforth Council Offices
Present: Councillors Grisenthwaite (Town Mayor); Jones; Bromilow; Gardner; Laurence; Parker; Richmond; Roe and Smith.
In attendance: Adrian Osmotherley Locum Clerk, County Councillor Williamson, and three members of the public.
23079 Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors, Paul Gardner, Hanna and Turner. | ||||||||||||
23080 Declaration on interests and dispensations: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations raised. | ||||||||||||
23081 Urgent Business: Councillor Laurence advised that he had forwarded to Councillors details of a draft response he was intending to send to a member of the public regarding the latest position with the Station Clock. The deadline for Councillors to comment is 21st July. | ||||||||||||
23082 Minutes: Subject to a minor amendment, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of Carnforth Town Council held on 21st June 2023 be approved. | ||||||||||||
23083 Adjournment for public discussion and information only updates:
1) Public Discussion: A member of the public raised concerns in relation to planning application 19/00541/OUT – erection of up to 250 dwellings with associated access at Lunesfield Quarry, Kellet Road. Concerns included the impact the development would have on surrounding properties, residents and existing infrastructure. The Town Mayor advised this application would be considered by Councillors under agenda item 23084 and that members of the public were welcome to stay and listen to these discussions. The meeting was then reconvened. 2) Councillor updates / matters: The Town Mayor reported on his activities in the last month, including opening Carnforth Carnival and Carnforth Fringe, both of which were well supported and enjoyable. He had also attended the Christchurch School supporting a Carnforth Rotary Club event and Carnforth Twinning Association’s Bastille night. The Town Mayor also acted as a Bingo Caller at Gummers Howe community centre recently. Councillor Jones reported on a review undertaken by the Carnival Committee following this year’s event, covering what had gone well and where lessons could be learned. It was reported that this year’s Carnival had ‘broken-even’ and that consideration is being to holding thee Carnival over three days. Councillor Smith reported on the Carnforth Fringe event thanking Councillors for their support and attendance and the proprietors of The Royal Station Hotel and Brief encounter Bar and Bistro for agreeing to host performers over the weekend. Councillor Smith commented that he had enjoyed all the acts and that feedback from the public had been good. The Town Mayor, thanked Councillors Laurence and Smith and the Town Clerk, Bob Bailey for leading on the project and making it another successful event for the town. The Town Mayor also thanked County Councillor Williamson for her guidance and assistance during the planning stage of the event. Councillor Richmond reported that he and Councillor Smith had attended a meeting with representatives from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to being discussions on Carnforth obtaining ‘Swift town’ status in celebration and protection of the species. Councillor Bromilow reported that she had attended the Rotary Kids Conference; had been another Bingo Caller at Gummers Howe Community Centre and was participating in a project for children concerned with water sampling activities on the River Lune. Councillor Paula Gardner advised that she had reported to Lancaster City Council the loose external render on the building at the corner of Hunter Street and Walton Road. ACTION: Town Clerk to follow up and establish what action Lancaster City Council are taking in rectifying/making safe the defect. Councillor Laurence also commented on the Carnforth Fringe event and advised that a meeting of the War Memorial Gardens Centenary 2024 working party had taken place. Th Town Mayor has written to the Lord Lieutenant to try and establish a contact for a Regiment band in the area. The Town Mayor commented he will pass on contact details for the Accrington Pipe Band. 3) Reports of Ward & County Councillors: There were no Ward Councillors present at the meeting. County Councillor Williamson commented that updates on a range of issues have been reported in recent editions of Lancaster Rural North News. She reported that work to secure a Devolution Deal for Lancashire was progressing very well with a final business case being presented to Government for approval in September. Councillor Williamson confirmed that contractors had been commissioned to undertake works on Market Street to move the junction markings back so that larger vehicles have more space when turning into the road – work is expected to start in around 12 weeks. Councillor Williamson agreed to raise with Highways the potholes/deterioration on the A6 near the new Rowlands development. 4) Reports from outside bodies: Councillor Parker reported on the Carnforth Chamber of Trade and Carnforth and District Twinning Association meetings. The Chamber of Trade are promoting the Artisan Market on 12th August. The Twinning Association’s Bastille night had been a success and arrangements for the Twinning exchange to Sailly-sur-la-Lys (23rd – 27th August) are being finalised. Councillor Bromilow reported that a Rotary Club Mental Health Conference is to be held at Carnforth – time to be confirmed – and that the River Lune Project, monitoring the purity of the water, is continuing. It was then RESOLVED that reports of Town Councillors and Outside Bodies be noted |
23084 Planning applications & statutory consultations: Councillors considered the following planning applications and road traffic orders:
Councillors considered and commented on the above planning applications. 23/00699/FUL: Councillor Hanna had advised that he is arranging a meeting with residents to enable details of their objections to be collated. Once this has been completed the Town Development and Planning Committee will be in a position to consider the application in more detail. 19/00540/OUT: Further information has been submitted by Homes England to Lancaster City Council. A range of matters and concerns were raised, including: · the scale of the development presents significant changes to the local infrastructure and services; · the sustainable future of Carnforth Rangers FC has not been properly addressed; · proposed changes to the existing highway network and the strain the additional volume of traffic created by 250 homes will have on an already busy and congested Kellet Road; · the need for better pedestrian and cycle access to Carnforth Town Centre; · the recently submitted documents have removed the proposal for the building of footbridge; · relevance to aspects of the development design set out in the Carnforth Neighborhood Plan. It was then RESOLVED that the above planning applications be considered further at the next meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee. ACTION: Town Clerk to confirm that further comments relating to these applications will be accepted beyond the end of the submission date. 23/00146/FUL & 21/00899/HYB: It was RESOLVED that these planning applications be considered further at the next meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee. 23/0100/TPO: It was RSOLVED that the planning application be supported in principle |
23085 Planning Authority Decisions: Councillors considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning applications previously considered. Applications 23/00475/FUL, 23/00620/FUL, and 23/00540/FUL have all been permitted.
It was then RESOLVED that the update on the planning authority’s decisions be noted. |
23086 Town Development & Planning Committee: Councillor Parker reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee held on 3rd July 2023, including:
1) Election of Councillor Parker as Chair and Councillor Laurence as Vice-Chair; 2) ‘Walkabout’ around Highfield and Gummers Howe; 3) Recommendation that Carnforth Town Council supports the ‘Swift Town’ initiative and plans; 4) Recommendation that the Town Council commissions a plate to commemorate the 20th anniversary of twinning with Sailly; 5) Recommendation that Carnforth Town Council objects to 23/00699/FUL 6) Update on Carnforth Fringe; 7) Recommendation that Carnforth Town Council approves involvement in the national celebrations for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day; 8) Update on plans to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the War Memorial Gardens and Cenotaph. 9) Update on highways matters reported to Lancashire County Highways; 10) Station Car park parking machines; 11) Collection and ongoing maintenance of litter bins following the decision of the Canal & Rivers Trust to withdraw this service ACTION: Town Clerk to contact the Lancashire Speed Partnership to find out how effective the recent speed monitoring exercise was and to request liaison with Carnforth Town Council on any future exercises. It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Town Development & Planning Committee be noted and approved. |
23087 Property & Environment Committee: Councillor Richmond reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Property & Environment Committee held on 4th July 2023, including:
1) Councilor Richmond was elected as Chair and Councillor Hanna as Vice-Chair; 2) Collection and ongoing maintenance of litter bins following the decision of the Canal & Rivers Trust to withdraw this service; 3) Carnforth Highfield Allotments; 4) Environmental and public realm matters and updates; 5) Very positive inspection by Lancaster Fire & Rescue Service and an update on the premises licence relating to Carnforth Civic Hall; 6) Review of cleaning arrangements at Crag Bank Village Hall; 7) District wide weeding contract from 1st April 2023 8) Alexandra Park. ACTION: Town Clerk to request further information from Morecambe Town Council regarding the frequency and number of further weed treatments planned. It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Property & Environment Committee be noted and approved. |
23088 Finance & Governance Committee: Councillor Jones reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Finance & Governance Committee held on 12th July 2023, including:
1) Councillor Jones was elected as Chair and Councillor Grisenthwaite as Vice Chair. 2) Resolution of matters relating to compliance with pensions regulations. ACTION: Town Clerk to advise on the pension review process to ensure that in future the Town Council complies with the Pensions Act 2008; 3) Bank reconciliation and budget monitoring as at 30th June 2023 (Month 3); 4) Contracts of employments and employees handbook development; 5) Lead Councillors for non-operational activities and functions. It was noted that, in addition, a program is being developed for all Members on Leadership, development and work planning along with relevant training opportunities It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Finance & Governance Committee be noted and approved. |
23089 Payments for Authorisation: Councillors considered an updated list of payments awaiting authorisation. The Town Mayor brought to Councillors attention, several invoices where the amount payable had been credited or reduced where service provision had been challenged. The Town Mayor thanked the Town Clerk for identifying and recovering these overcharges.
It was then RESOLVED that payments as set out be authorised. |
23090 Correspondence: Councillors considered correspondence received in the last month. It was then RESOLVED that the correspondence be noted. | ||||||||||||
23091 Items for next Agenda: There were no additional items raised at this time for the next agenda. | ||||||||||||
23092 Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting of the ‘ordinary’ Town Council will be held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 6:30pm.
The meeting closed at 8:40pm |