
Carnforth Town Council Minutes – December 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 27, 2024

Minutes of meeting held on 20th December 2023 at 6:30pm at Carnforth Civic Hall

Present:                      Councillors Grisenthwaite (Town Mayor); Bromilow; Jones; Hanna; Laurence; Parker; Richmond; Roe, Smith and Turner.

In attendance:            County Councillor Phillippa Willaimson; Councillor Louise Belcher and one member of the public

Before the meeting commenced there was a minute’s silence following the recent passing of former Councillors Brian Ward and Councillor Paul Gardner

23141          Apologies:  Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Paula Gardner.
23142          Declaration of interests and dispensations: Declarations of interest relating to connections with local organisations were made and accepted.

There were no declarations of interest or request for dispensations specifically relating to items on the agenda for this meeting.

23143          Urgent Business:  Councillor Roe informed the Council that the funeral of Councillor Paul Gardner will be held at Lancaster Crematorium on 9th January 2024 at 2:30pm.  Councillor Hanna also advised that as a City Councillor there would also be a Civic funeral.
23144          Minutes: Subject to a minor amendment, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of Carnforth Town Council held on 15th November 2023 be approved.
23145          Adjournment for public discussion and information only updates:

1)     Public Discussion:  A member of the public/planning applicant presented outline details of a planning application for the erection of eight properties that will be subject of a pre-application forum in the first quarter of 2024.  Councillors asked questions and noted that the pre-application forum is a valuable part of the planning process allowing applicants an opportunity to develop their proposals with planning officers and planning committee councillors, ward councillors and parish council/local group representatives.

2)     Councillor updates / matters:  The Town Mayor and Councillors reported on a range of actions and activities in the last month including:

a)       Switching on the Carnforth Christmas lights and attendance and support of a variety of fundraising and community events;

b)       A ‘walkabout’ around the Highfield Estate by Ward and Town Councillor and Lancaster City and Town Council officers;

c)        Comments on community group plans and project in 2024.

3)     Reports of Ward & County Councillors:  County Councillor Williamson gave an update on the ‘Lancashire Deal’ and specifically the consultation that is currently underway.  There will be a variety of events about the proposed Combined County Authority in ‘main libraries’ and separate consultations with businesses and universities.  Anyone can comment online at until 26th January 2024.

It was reported that budget constraints will mean that difficult decisions will need to be made but had not materially affected County’s plans for 2024.  Government money has been made available from ‘HS2 savings’ including £4M that will be used to carry out road resurfacing across the County over the Summer.

County Councillor Williamson also updated on local matters that she is currently following up and Councillors raised other highways and environmental issues that will be followed up.

Ward Councillor Belcher reported on Update on a planning application, previously refused, that is being sent for appeal to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and details of issues raised during the recent ‘walkabout’ on Highfield Estate that are being followed up.

4)     Reports from outside bodies:  Councillor Smith reported on a recent meeting of the Carnforth Chamber of Trade covering the Carnforth Switch-on and Chamber support for the planned Carnforth Fringe.

It was then RESOLVED that reports of Town Councillors & Outside Bodies be noted

23146          Urgent Decisions:  Councillor Smith commented on recent actions and decisions.   The Town Clerk advised that urgent decisions taken in line with the Scheme of Delegation had been reported, in writing, at the last meeting of Carnforth Town Council in accordance with the adopted procedure.

Recent decisions and actions had been of an operational nature taken under the delegated authority of the Town Clerk and/or Town Mayor.  In response, to a question the Town Clerk gave his assurance that decisions required by Carnforth Town Council or its Committees have, and will always be, brought to the attention of Councillors and the public.

There followed a discussion on Carnforth Town Council’s Emergency Plan that was put forward as an exemplar at a recent training event arranged by Lancaster City Council.  Councillors noted that the Plan was last updated in May 2021 and that there is a need for a formal briefing/training to be carried out in 2024.  ACTION:  Councillor Smith to lead on a review of the Carnforth Town Council Emergency Plan and briefing/training.

23147          Planning applications & statutory consultations:  Councillors considered the following planning applications and road traffic orders:

Application No: Description
23/0190/TPO Ash tree to be pruned and a section removed; Lodge Quarry, Lancaster Road, Carnforth

Recommendation:  Support planning application in principle

23/0194/TCA Beech tree – Fergus sylvatica – crown;

Ash Trees Surgery, Market Street, Carnforth LA5 9JU

Recommendation:  Support planning application in principle

23/01248/FUL Erection of a dwelling and associated access;

66 Kellet Road, Carnforth LA5 9LP

Recommendation:  Support planning application in principle

23/01315/FUL Demolition of existing rear conservatory, erection of a single storey side/rear extension and conversion of existing garage into ancillary living accommodation;

20 Haws Avenue, Carnforth LA5 9DH

Recommendation:  Support planning application in principle

23/01354/FUL Erection of building for manufacturing, distribution and office and associated infrastructure;

Land to the West of Oakwood Way, Carnforth Business Park, Kellet Road, Carnforth

Recommendation:  Support planning application in principle

After discussion on each of the above applications it was RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Town Development and Planning Committee be approved and the that the Town Clerk arranges for the necessary actions to be carried out.


23148          Planning Authority Decisions:  Councillors considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning applications previously considered.

Five planning applications are awaiting decision; one had been permitted and two – that Carnforth Town Council previously objected to – had been refused by the planning authority.

It was then RESOLVED that the update on the planning authority’s decisions be noted.

23149          Town Development & Planning Committee:  Councillor Parker reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee held on 4th December 2023, including:

1)       Updates on agreed actions including Market Street Clock scaffolding;

2)       Consideration of temporary road closures and planning applications;

3)       Budget monitoring and planning;

4)       A recommendation that Carnforth Town Council ‘signs up’ to the Armed Forces Covenant and related services and that Councillor Ian Laurence be designated as the Council’s Armed Forces Champion;

5)       Updates on events planned in 2024 including Carnforth Fringe; D-Day 80 commemorations and War Memorial Centenary;

6)        Road safety matters.

After some comments. it was RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Town Development & Planning Committee be noted and approved.

23150   Property & Environment Committee:  Councillor Richmond reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Property & Environment Committee held on 5th December 2023, including:

1)       Commissioning of a building and mechanical and engineering survey at Crag Bank Village Hall;

2)       Environmental matters including proposal for the maintenance of trees and planters on Ashtrees Way transferring to Carnforth Town Council;

3)       Review of allotments by LESS on behalf of Lancaster City Council and their recent visit to Carnforth allotments;

4)       Delivery and installation of street furniture;

5)       Maintenance and management of Carnforth Civic and Crag Bank Village Halls;

6)       Decision by Canal and Rivers Trust to remove three waste bins from the canal towpath in Carnforth and actions taken by Carnforth Town Council and Lancaster City Council to find a solution;

7)       Consideration of a mobile wireless camera system, and;

8)       Budget monitoring and planning

After some comments. It was RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Property & Environment Committee be noted and approved.

23151          Finance & Governance Committee:  Councillor Jones reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Finance & Governance Committee held on 13th December 2023, including:

1)       Recommendations that:

a)       As a priority, Carnforth Town Council establishes a Working Group to draw up a capital programme strategy for the next three financial years;

b)       Subject to approval of the Capital Programme Strategy and any other budget suggestions, a final version of the draft budget and precept for 2024 / 2025 be presented to full Council in January 2024 for detailed consideration and approval;

c)        A draft Sponsorship Policy be adopted by Carnforth Town Council.

d)       Carnforth Town Council approves a shortlist of three potential web design and hosting providers and that they be invited to present their solution to a panel of Councillors during the last quarter of the financial year, and;

2)       Bank reconciliation and budget monitoring as at 30th November 2023 (Month 8);

After some comments and questions, it was RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Finance & Governance Committee be noted and approved with the Capital Programme Working Group being Councillors Grisenthwaite and Jones supported by the Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.

23152          Payments for Authorisation: Councillors considered an updated list of payments awaiting authorisation.

Councillors were advised that, as instructed, payments for the supply of electricity to the Co-wheels vehicle on Preston Street were terminated at the end of November after the initial one-year agreement.

After comments it was RESOLVED that payments as set out be authorised.


23153          Committee Membership:  Due to a change in circumstances Councillor Smith can no longer attend Finance & Governance meetings.  Councilor Roe volunteered to join the committee.

It was then RESOLVED that Councillor Roe joins the Finance & Governance Committee and that Councillor Smith goes back on to the Town Development and Planning Committee.

23154          Correspondence:  Councillors considered correspondence received in the last month.

It was then RESOLVED that the correspondence be noted.

23155          Items for next Agenda: Budget and Precepts 2024 / 2025; Outstanding planning enforcement matters; Carnforth Station Clock.
23156          Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting of the ‘ordinary’ Town Council will be held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 6:30pm at Carnforth Town Council offices.

The meeting closed at 8:15pm