
Carnforth Town Council Minutes – November 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 22, 2024

Minutes of meeting held on 15th November 2023 at 6:30pm at Carnforth Council Offices

Present:                      Councillors Grisenthwaite (Town Mayor); Bromilow; Laurence; Parker; Richmond; Roe and Turner.

In attendance:            Ward Councillor Louise Belcher.

23125          Apologies:  Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Paula Gardner, Hanna; Jones and Smith.  Apologies also received from County Councillor Williamson and Ward Councillor Belcher
23126          Declaration on interests and dispensations: Declarations of interest relating to connections with local organisations were made and accepted.

There were no declarations of interest or request for dispensations specifically relating to items on the agenda for this meeting.

23127          Urgent Business:  The Town Mayor reported that he had been contacted by Carnforth Chamber of Trade about the ongoing matters with the Ticket Vending Machines at the Carnforth Station Car Park.

Councillors were reminded of the response received from Northern Rail stating that they do not have funding available to update the Ticket Vending machines and have asked if the Town Council or any other third party would be interested in discussing funding options with them.  After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that the matter be referred to the Town Development & Planning Committee for further consideration and recommendation to Carnforth Town Council.

Councillors considered the closure of Council buildings over the Christmas period.

After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that all Carnforth Town Council buildings be closed on Saturday 23rd December 2023 and reopen on Saturday 6th January 2024.

The Town Clerk reported that the he had trained the Administrative Officer on the use of Mario Maps and its various overlays and advised that she is now posting weekly details of planned and commenced roadworks on social media.

Councillors agreed that this is a useful additional service for the Council to provide for the local community and RESOLVED that ongoing management of this be delegated to the Town Clerk in accordance with the Council’s adopted Information Management and Social Media policies.  


23128          Minutes: Subject to a minor amendment, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of Carnforth Town Council held on 18th October 2023 be approved.
23129          Adjournment for public discussion and information only updates:

1)     Public Discussion:  No members of the public were in attendance.

2)     Councillor updates / matters:.  The Town Mayor reported on his activities in the last month and plans in the coming weeks.  Councillors and staff were thanked and congratulated on the successful organisation and delivery of the Remembrance Sunday parade, service and reception.  The Town Mayor also provided an update on the latest position with the Lundsfield Quarry site and a meeting with a representative form County Highways to discuss safety concerns at Carnforth Brow and in light of planning developments in the area.  There had been a useful presentation and discussion with the Air Quality Officer from Lancaster City Council on the reasons for, and instruction from, DEFRA on the decision to revoke the Air Quality Management Area in Carnforth.

Councillor Turner reported that he is working with representatives from the Chamber of Trade to prepare and install Christmas Trees along Market Street and in the War Memorial  Gardens.

Councillor Parker reported that he had laid wreaths at the Menin Gate in Epres, Belgium and in Sailly-sur-la Lys in France on behalf of Carnforth Town Council and the Carnforth & District Twinning Association.

Councillor Bromilow outlined upcoming Rotary Club of Carnforth activities and her work with a trust that had recently awarded £3k to local charitable organisations.

Councillor Laurence reported that he is considering being the local representative for the Royal British Legion and currently working on veteran and blue light initiative in Carnforth with various other organisations as a private endeavour;

3)     Reports of Ward & County Councillors:  No County or Ward Councillors were present.  ACTION:  Town Clerk to circulate written report from Councillor Williamson. 

4)     Reports from outside bodies:  The Town Mayor reported on progress with the extension to Carnforth Swimming Pool and Councillor Bromilow reported that good progress is being made with the installation of training nets at Carnforth Cricket Club.  Councillor Roe advised that the Station Trust had decided to close the Heritage Centre from 24th December 2023 to 1st April 2024.

Councillor Laurence reported that Carnforth Chamber of Trade plans to hold a Carnforth Expo event and had decided to withdraw it proposal for community awards.

It was then RESOLVED that reports of Town Councillors & Outside Bodies be noted

23130          Urgent Decisions:  The Town Clerk presented a report on recent decisions taken in accordance with Carnforth Town Council’s Scheme of Delegation and in response to questions raised by Councillors.  After some comments it was RESOLVED that the report and actions taken in accordance with policy be noted and accepted.
23131          Planning applications & statutory consultations:  Councillors considered the following planning applications and road traffic orders:

Application No: Description
23/00883/FUL Demolition of existing stable block and of a detached two-storey garage with annex over – Rig Lea, Netherbeck, Carnforth, LA6 1AA

Recommendation:  Support in principle

23/01096/FUL Erection of a detached building – 2 Windermere Road, Carnforth LA5 9AR Recommendation:  Support in principle
23/01150/ADV Advertisement application for the display of an externally illuminated fascia sign to shopfront –  15 Market Street, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA5 9JX Recommendation:  Support in principle with comments
23/001159/FUL Retrospective application for the removal of external staircase, installation of new & altered windows, doors and rooflights and installation of metal balustrades –  Former Co-op warehouse,

John Street, Carnforth

Recommendation:  Object to the planning application

After discussion on each of the above applications it was RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Town Development and Planning Committee be approved and the that the Town Clerk arranges for the necessary actions to be carried out


23132          Planning Authority Decisions:  Councillors considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning applications previously considered.

Four planning applications are awaiting decision and one, that Carnforth Town Council previously objected to, has been refused by the planning authority.

It was then  RESOLVED that the update on the planning authority’s decisions be noted.

23133          Town Development & Planning Committee:  Councillor Parker reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee held on 6th November 2023, including:

1)       Request that the Finance & Governance Committee considers the purchase of street furniture from the Community Benefit fund to be installed at Alexandra Park and at the land on the corner of Market Street and Norh Road;

2)       Action to write to Morecambe Town Council on concerns raised about the weed spraying arrangements in Carnforth;

3)       Action to raise concerns with the contractor responsible for causing damage to the land on the corner of Market Street and Norh Road;

4)       Temporary road closures and planning applications;

5)       Budget monitoring and planning;

6)       Results of the survey on the proposed residents parking scheme;

7)       Remembrance Sunday arrangements;

8)       War Memorial Centenary 2024 plans;

9)       Carnforth Fringe project mandate, and;

10)    Road safety concerns at Carnforth Brow

It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Town Development & Planning Committee be noted and approved.

23134          Property & Environment Committee:  Councillor Richmond reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Property & Environment Committee held on 7th November 2023, including:

1)       Removal of three litter bins by Canal & Rivers Trust at the end of November unless Carnforth Town Council can commit to taking responsibility for the future management of these and the associated waste collection arrangements;

2)       Approach by agents of Booths Ltd requesting that Carnforth Town Council takes on responsibility for grounds maintenance around Ashtrees Way for a fee to be determined;

3)       Carnforth Highfield Allotments;

4)       Environmental and public realm actions and updates;

5)       Maintenance and management of Carnforth Civic and Crag Bank Village Halls, and;

6)       Budget monitoring and planning

It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Property & Environment Committee be noted and approved.

23135          Finance & Governance Committee:  Councillor Grisenthwaite reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Finance & Governance Committee held on 8th November 2023, including:

1)       A resolution that Carnforth Carnival be given a donation from the Town Mayors allowance in recognition of their help with traffic management on Remembrance Sunday;

2)       Bank reconciliation and budget monitoring as at 31st October 2023 (Month 7);

3)       A recommendation that  Carnforth Town Council acts in the role as enabler for the Carnforth Fringe event and that financial and in-kind commitments are sought with local venues and other organisations who will directly benefit;

4)       Recommendations that:

Ø  Carnforth Town Council notes the significant implications of the 2024/2025 draft budget and that further plans be informed through consultation with the local community;

Ø  A full feasibility study is commissioned to provide options and solutions for the long term viability of the community venues and / or any suitable alternatives;

Ø  A three – year Capital Programme is drawn up and reviewed at least annually;

5)       Recommendation that Carnforth Town Council approves the purchase of street furniture from the Community Benefit Fund;

After some comments and questions, it was RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Finance & Governance Committee be noted and approved.


23136          Draft Budget 2024/2025 & Precept:  Councillors considered a detailed first draft of the budget and precept for 2024 / 2025 and estimates in 2025 / 2026 and 2026 / 2027, as presented by the Finance & Governance Committee.

Consideration was given to fixed costs that are unlikely to change and are fairly easy to budget for and variable (or reactive) costs that are harder to predict and often based on assumptions and estimates.

Carnforth Town Council is aware that its two community venues are in need of substantial investment to replace ageing and inefficient heating systems as well as some modernisation to make them viable for the future.

Councillors attention was drawn to the earmarked and General Reserves to mitigate specific risks or to build up funds for known or anticipated future expenditure

Based on this work, the annual budget and precept (expenditure budget less expected income required) for 2024 / 2025 would need to be significantly increased to deliver all the Town Council services, functions and plan.

There followed a lengthy discussion about the ongoing provision of services, where savings could be made and income generated.

The Town Clerk outlined the budget process and advised that an agreed budget and precept for 2024 / 2025 must be approved at the January budget setting meeting so that the demand to Lancaster City Council can be submitted in early February.

It was then RESOLVED that Carnforth Town Council approves the recommendation of the Finance and Governance Committee, being that:

1.       Carnforth Town Council notes the significant implications of the 2024 / 2025 draft budget and considers options / solutions with a view to a budget and precept being approved in January 2024;

2.       That arrangements be made to consult with the local community to inform the Town Council plans and budget;

3.       A full feasibility study be commissioned at the earliest opportunity to provide options and solutions for the long term viability of the community venues and / or any suitable alternatives;

4.       A three – year Capital Programme be drawn up and reviewed at least annually.

23137          Payments for Authorisation: Councillors considered an updated list of payments awaiting authorisation.  They were informed that essential works to the roof and damaged heating system at Crag Bank Village Hall had been previously approved in accordance with urgent procedure.  After comments it was RESOLVED that payments as set out be authorised.
23138          Correspondence:  Councillors considered correspondence received in the last month.

It was then RESOLVED that the correspondence be noted.

23139          Items for next Agenda: Budget monitoring for 2023/2024 and planning for the next three financial years; any project mandates.
23140          Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting of the ‘ordinary’ Town Council will be held on Wednesday 20th December at 6:30pm at Carnforth Civic Hall

The meeting closed at 8:00pm