Minutes of meeting held on 18th October 2023 at 6:30pm at Carnforth Civic Hall Meeting Room
Present: Councillors Grisenthwaite (Town Mayor); Jones; Laurence; Parker; Richmond; Roe and Turner.
In attendance: Ward Councillor Louise Belcher.
23110 Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Bromilow; Paul Gardner and Paula Gardner. All reasons for apologies given by Town Councillors were accepted. | ||||
23111 Declaration on interests and dispensations: Declarations of interest or dispensations directly relating to connections with local organisations were made and accepted as was a dispensation made by Councillor Smith relating to Planning Application 23/00883/FUL | ||||
23112 Urgent Business: Before the meeting former Councillor and Town Mayor Malcolm Watkins had been presented with a commemorative plate in recognition of his services to the local community.
The Town Clerk reminded Councillors that dates had been suggested and circulated for the proposed Carnforth Air Quality Management briefing. ACTION: Councillors to use online poll to vote on preferred date and time for the briefing. Councillor Laurence requested Councillors support to help with stewarding and activities on Remembrance Sunday, 12th November 2923 ACTION: Councillors to liaise with Councillor Laurence on availability to support Remembrance Day 2023 |
23113 Minutes: Subject to a minor amendment, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of Carnforth Town Council held on 20th September 2023 be approved. | ||||
23114 Adjournment for public discussion and information only updates:
1) Public Discussion: No members of the public were in attendance. 2) Councillor updates / matters: The Town Mayor reported on his activities in the last month and plans in the coming weeks, including an invitation to be Master of Ceremonies/Bingo caller at a Christmas event organised by the Friends of Canal Park. Councillor Roe gave an update on behalf of Carnforth Station Trust, commenting that there is now an art gallery and a chocolatier at the station and advising that the Heritage Centre will close from early December and re-open on Good Friday 2024. Councillor Smith reported that he had given a talk to the Scouts on biodiversity and will be attending their upcoming Annual General Meeting. Residents at New Street have been issued with a letter encouraging them to maintain Back New Street following the recent clean-up and it was requested that a list of ‘enforcement issues’ be maintained and periodically monitored. Councillor Smith advised that he will be meeting with a representative from the Chamber of Trade and a volunteer to discuss a media campaign for the Carnforth Fringe. He also informed Members that he has been invited to a meeting of the ‘Carnforth Business Community Group’. There followed a short discussion about the purpose of this group and any connection to the Carnforth Chamber of Trade. Councillor Hanna commented on the recent Pre-planning engagement forum that he and the Town Clerk attended for a proposed housing development in Millhead. Councillors were informed that these forums consist of a selection of planning committee councillors, ward councillors and parish council/local group representatives to give applicants of major, strategic developments an opportunity to present their proposed development and get valuable feedback before going on to make a full planning application. Councillor Hanna also advised that the Lancaster City Council Planning portal now provides a selection of interactive maps for major developments. 3) Reports of Ward & County Councillors: Ward Councillor Belcher commented on planning matters and the briefing, requested by Ward Councillors, on the proposal to revoke the Carnforth Air Quality Management Area designation. County Councillor Williamson commented on recent correspondence with County Highways regarding roadworks and traffic management and thanked Carnforth Town Council for keeping the local community informed. She supports ongoing communications with County Highways on such matters. Lancashire Libraries, including Carnforth, will be offering their ‘Warm Welcome’ service again this winter and events such as forums for debate and artist of the year are planned for the end of November. Councillor Williamson outlined plans coming from funding being made available by the Government from the scrapping of HS2 and ongoing, and productive, discussions with Ministers on the ‘Lancashire Deal’ which should be out for consultation for eight weeks from early December. Councillors asked questions and raised matters relating to hedge cutting and funding for speed management measures. 4) Reports from outside bodies: Councillor Parker reported on recent meetings of the Carnforth Chamber of Trade and Carnforth & District Twinning Association. Councillor Laurence provided an update on activities of the Friends of Carnforth Canal Park and 2246 Air Cadets. It was then RESOLVED that reports of Town Councillors and Outside Bodies be noted |
23115 Planning applications & statutory consultations: Councillors considered the following planning applications and road traffic orders:
It was then RESOLVED that Town Development and Planning Committee be asked to make its recommendation to the next meeting of Carnforth Town Council. |
23116 Planning Authority Decisions: Councillors considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning applications previously considered. Five planning applications are awaiting decision by the planning authority, including four where Carnforth Town Council has submitted an objection.
It was then RESOLVED that the update on the planning authority’s decisions be noted. |
23117 Carnforth Community Awards; It was reported that Carnforth Chamber of Trade had requested this agenda item and had planned to address the Town Council but had subsequently withdrawn the proposal until further notice.
It was RESOLVED that Carnforth Chamber of Trade be invited to address Carnforth Town Council at a later date on the subject of Carnforth Community Awards. |
23118 Town Development & Planning Committee: Councillor Parker reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Town Development & Planning Committee held on 2nd October 2023, including:
1) Invitation to the local community to indicate whether they would support a residents parking scheme in Carnforth town centre; 2) Request to Rowland Homes to support improvements to the War Memorial Gardens; 3) Maintenance of land on Lancaster Road adjacent to Tesco Superstore; 4) Temporary road closures and planning applications; 5) Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday; 6) War Memorial Gardens Centenary 2024; 7) Update on the Market Steet Clock; 8) Repairs to the A6070 to commence in Spring 2024; 9) Highways matters, and; 10) Budget plans for the three years from 1st April 2024 for recommendation to the Finance & Governance Committee It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Town Development & Planning Committee be noted and approved. |
23119 Property & Environment Committee: Councillor Richmond reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Property & Environment Committee held on 3rd October 2023, including:
1) Suggestion(s) for the Government’s Community Ownership Fund; 2) Carnforth Highfield Allotments; 3) Enquiries on the maintenance of land at Lancaster Road and Alexandra Park; 4) A resolution that the Facilities Manager be given authority and a budget to build a bespoke bar for Carnforth Civic Hall; 5) Urgent action to deal with water ingress and subsequent repairs to the heating system at Crag Bank Village Hall; 6) A resolution that any external repairs to the Market Street clock be subject to a health and safety and risk assessment, and; 7) Budget plans for the three years from 1st April 2024 for recommendation to the Finance & Governance Committee; It was then RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Property & Environment Committee be noted and approved. |
23120 Finance & Governance Committee: Councillor Jones reported on the recommendations and actions arising from the meeting of the Finance & Governance Committee held on 11th October 2023, including:
1) Resolution by Carnforth Town Council in support of a collaboration to set up a food club in Carnforth; 2) Bank reconciliation and budget monitoring as at 30th September 2023 (Month 6) and specifically, higher than expected energy costs and a lower than expected income from the hire of Carnforth Civic Hall; 3) A ‘free’ upgrade to the accounting system that provides a visual dashboard of key financial indicators and performance;
4) Initial budget proposals from the Town Development & Planning and Property & Environment Committees; 5) Project initiation and management and a recommendation to Carnforth Town Council that for every proposed project, activity; idea, change or opportunity a Project Mandate be completed for Member consideration and approval, and; 6) Notice that Lancaster City Council will be carrying out a review of its polling districts and polling places and an invitation to electors to make representations. After some comments, It was RESOLVED that the report, actions and recommendations of the Finance & Governance Committee be noted and approved. |
23121 Payments for Authorisation: Councillors considered an updated list of payments awaiting authorisation. .
After some comments it was RESOLVED that payments as set out be authorised. |
23122 Correspondence: Councillors considered correspondence received in the last month. It was then RESOLVED that the correspondence be noted. | ||||
23123 Items for next Agenda: Budget monitoring for 2023/2024 and planning for the next three financial years; any project mandates and planning enforcement matters. | ||||
23124 Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting of the ‘ordinary’ Town Council will be held on Wednesday 15th November 2023 at 6:30pm.
The meeting closed at 7:55pm |